Monday, February 16, 2009



In last week's class we explored the concept of GROWTH MINDSET.
We learnt that it is important to constantly be eager and willing to learn. When we do not have a growth mindset towards learning, we will find it very hard to learn anything. I always believe that what we think really have tremendous influence over our actions.

All of us should have experienced those days whereby we don't feel like dragging ourselves out of bed to go to work/school. So we keep telling ourselves that we are unwell and there's a very bad headache going on. After a few minutes of such thoughts, our body is really convinced by our thoughts and
VIOLA! We are REALLY down with a bad headache...

During my college days, I really really hated maths. So I kept telling myself that I am really bad at maths and can never do well in it. No matter how hard I tried to practise, I still did really badly. My brain refused to accept any knowledge that is related to maths. The negative thoughts resulted in 2 years of F grade in maths.

It is only when A'levels is drawing near, I told myself that by hook or crook, I have to at the very least pass maths. And i realised that i cannot let myself stay in the vicious cycle of bad thoughts. Hence, i started to encourage myself, telling myself that maths is easy peasy. These thoughts were indeed helpful. I managed to achieve an E grade for A'levels, which is a pass grade. Though E is not at all fantastic, it is still an achievement to me as i pulled myself out if the cycle just in time to obtain my
FIRST pass grade in 2 years.

if only maths was this easy...

One movie that i really like is FORREST GUMP. The main character, Forrest, has an IQ level of 75, which that is slightly lower than the average of 90-100. Despite this disability, he does not allow himself to believe that he is inferior. Many at times he is the victim of bully due to his subnormal intelligence. Whenever someone calls him stupid, Forrest always replies, 'Stupid is as stupid does.' He refuses to agree with them that he is stupid and choose to have a positive outlook towards life. He is always eager to learn new skills, such as ping pong. His attitude towards his circumstances has made him outstanding and successful in life.

So. Here's the bottom line : if u want to avoid having your brain look like this


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