Wednesday, February 11, 2009


hi guys!
apologies for being MIA! (missin in action)
here's me and my insights to e-commerce.
*or i'd prefer to call it e-shoppin :)

the phenomenon of e-commerce has been on the rise. many ppl now prefer to shop in the comfort of their own homes rather than exhaust themselves with actual shoppin trips. in this post, we shall discuss why e-commerce has succeeded since its birth. and despite its success, what are some boohoos of this trend.

reasons for success

we are living in a world whereby convenience is highly valued. and when there is a way for people to bring convenience to themselves, it is just a matter of time that the idea rises to fame. it can be quite effortless to engage ourselves in e-commerce as our purchase is literally on click away!

i used to set aside a full day for a shopping escapade. now, i can be on a shopping escapade during a short lunch break. and i can even look specifically for what i want. many online shops classify their goods according to colors or style. for instance, i can just click on the link to skirts and just browse thru all the designs available! power of focus :) how convenient! below is a cataloge from . its one of my favourites! click on e link for some good bargains! :)

also, as a generation that is really good at multi-tasking, we have learnt how to divide our attention fairly well. one might be booking movie tickets online, ordering mcdelivery and making a purchase on ebay all at once. doing all 3 at the same time would be impossible when out of this virtual world.

reasons for failures

it would be unrealistic to conclude that e-commerce is all success and nothin else. e-commerce has its banes as well. personally, i feel that one major bane is that it does not allow us to have personal interaction with the sellers/buyers. many at times we have no idea who we are buying from or selling our goods to. interaction is an important aspect of our lives. to swoop it for convenience may not be a wise choice as we may isolate ourselves from the outside world.

also, we sometimes have to pay via online banking or credit card before getting our goods. this is dangerous as we never know who to trust. moreover, it is risky to allow the organisations to store our information in their database. we may lose our privacy if our information is passed to outsiders without our approval.

moving on, e-commerce can sometimes be quite a hassle. we are not able to check the quality of our goods before having it delievered to us. it can be quite a hassle to have it exchanged or checked as it takes another few days for the process to be completed. reality purchase, on the other hand, allows quality check to take place. and we are able to try out before purchasing. hence, i would believe that virtual purchase is many at times impluse purchase.

so this marks the end of insights to e-commerce.
the next post shall be on e-learning.
we shall discuss how the internet has changed our learning habits.
stay tuned :)


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