Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Multimedia Marketing

It is interesting to see how marketing strategies have evolved over the years.

Watch this cute video below to understand better! :)

Like how the video has shown us, marketing used to be so simple. We used to recommend our friends Brand X and popularity of a product is dependent on how far words spread. Now, every brand engages in multimedia marketing. We are bombarded with advertisements every step that we take. It can get overwhelming at times. But multimedia marketing is a matter of who survives the longest. So, some brands disappear, more brands join in the race. Since this is a phenomenon that we are powerless to change, let us start insulating ourselves and repel whatever messages we do not want to absorb!


Tuesday, March 10, 2009



well well. this post is brain food for all of us who are ignorant of what acts are considered cyber crimes. there are so many types of cyber crimes that we may just be committing on without even knowing.


1) Software Piracy : Making a copy for archival purposes (i.e., for a back up) is considered fair use. However, anything beyond that is considered to be software piracy.

2) Hacking : A hacker is an unauthorized user who attempts to or gains access to an information system.
reasons for hacking
  • Just for the challenge
  • Look around and satisfy their curiosity
  • Liberate" (distribute) the information
  • Hack in to do damage
types of hackers
  • WHITE HAT - Ethical hacker are often involved in penetration testing
  • BLACK HAT - Causes damage after intrusion
  • GREY HAT - Typically ethical but occasionally violates hacker ethics
3) Viruses & Worms

VIRUSES - A piece of code that is capable of copying itself and typically has a detrimental effect such as corrupting the system

WORM - A self-contained & self replicating malicious computer program.

The differences between worm & virus are:

  • Virus can’t work without another program and can’t self-replicate

  • A worm uses a network to send copies of itself to other systems and it does so without any intervention.

  • Worms harm the network and consume bandwidth,

  • Viruses infect or corrupt individual files on a targeted computer but don’t impact network performance

4) Online Sex : Online sexual exploitation is an abuse of a position of power or trust for sexual purposes via the internet. This can happen in the form of sex slaves, online marketing of prostitution or 'Talk Sex' Servicesand child pornography.

5) Cyber Stalking : Generally, cyber stalking does not involve physical contact at the start of the stalking episodes. This makes it
appear as less important than physical stalking. However, online harassment and threats may be a prelude to more serious behavior, including physical violence.

6) Crimes of E-commerce : Crimes of e-commerce can involve crimes such as corporate espionage, money laundering, embezzlement, spamming, misuse of trademark domain names, denial of services, etc.

So now that u understand more about cyber crimes, be sure and be careful. dont be ignorant and commit these crimes. if u know of someone who is guilty of such acts, do not ignore and compromise. do your part by reporting the crimes. one organisation set up for such purposes is the Internet Crime Complaint Centre (IC3). click on the link to find out more.

