Thursday, January 22, 2009


hey hey!

the hot topic for this week's class is SOCIAL NETWORKING. i shall focus and give my insights on FACEBOOK as it is the most popular social networking website currently! (friendster totally died and is trying very hard to leech onto everyone of us)

facebook is very important in everyone's life now. i would say that it is targeted at tertiary students and above. the many features helped bridge many gaps that other social networks are not able to fill. some of the brilliant features are as follows:

1) news feed
-latest updates of photos posted, relationship status, videos, comments etc.

2) photo albums

-we can choose to upload individual photos or upload albums according to events.

3) wall

-friends can write on ur wall and ur recent updates will be shown on the wall as well.

4) superpoke
-though i think this is quite a purposeless (aka lame) application, it is still entertaining to poke anyone and everyone.

5) events invitation
-u can set up a page for any upcoming events and send invites to all ur friends! (i had a friend who used facebook to send out wedding invites! talking bout convenience huh!)

many people have come to realise the importance of facebook. and many creative individuals went the extra mile to show how silly it would be to perform facebook features in reality. here's an interesting experiment done in the big apple, new york.

as educated people, we should not be naive. it is therefore important to know the risks that the usage of facebook brings. whatever we post on our profile, it is definitely at our own risk. the friends that u've added will have access to ur info, details, photos etc. the photos can be easily saved and used for other purposes. also, facebook has the right over whatever we post. almost 100% of us dont read the 'terms and agreements' and blindly click on 'i agree'. no doubt this saves us about 15 mins of our life, this one click is the reason why facebook is so powerful. this video below will explain to u exactly why.

once again, we come to the end of jody's insights! hope it has been an enjoyable read and feel free to leave ur comments so i can improve for the better! much thanks!

signing out,
jody doo

Thursday, January 15, 2009

a good start is half the battle won?

A thunderous HELLO to one and all!

this is my virgin attempt to blog somethin that contains academic content. so as the sayin on the title suggests, i am tryin to start with a big BANG and hopefully this effort will let me gain enough horse power to ace this module (which is the battle won).

so. enough of ramblings. the virgin post shall be about HISTORY OF INTERNET. though i am honestly not utterly excited about this topic, i shall try my best to give my insights with excitement :)

5 interesting facts on the history of internet :

1) The almighty internet was sparked in the minds of brainy individuals, in the early 1960s, who were eager to explore the possibility of information sharing in the scientific and military fields.
The internet, then known as ARPANET, was birthed in 1969. The connection, which is probably so antique now, had 4 major computers linked up together.

2) The early Internet was used by computer experts, engineers, scientists, and librarians. There were no PCs in those days, and anyone who used it, had to learn to use a very complex system.

3) The World Wide Web was started in 1991. It was based on hypertext--a system of embedding links in text to link to other text, which you have been using every time you selected a text link while reading these pages.

4) A current trend with major implications for the future is the growth of high speed connections.

5) Wireless has grown rapidly in the past few years, and travellers search for the wi-fi "hot spots" where they can connect while they are away from the home or office. The next big growth area is the surge towards universal wireless access, where almost everywhere is a "hot spot".

Voila! Hope the above 5 points that i've picked out from an unbelievably long paper are ample in helping u better understand your friend, the internet.

personally, i believe that the internet is a vital part of our lives now. the absence of it can be fatal.
we would not be able to go on facebook and find out the latest gossips.
we would not be able to do our online shopping.
we would not be able to watch the replays of 'little nonya' on mobtv.
we would not be able to dota thruout the night with our peers.
we would not be able to skype and chat w our friends.
we would not be able to create a blog for com125.
indeed. the above happenings can be truly fatal.

to end off this first post. some food for thought. now that our lives are so dependent on the internet, are we in danger of an internet overdose?